On Saturday, there was the launch of SpaceX Falcon 9 Rocket to the International Space Station(ISS) to the orbit from Kennedy Space Center, Florida, USA. After 2011, this rocket was launched in 2020 by blasting off against all the devastating things happening around the world. As Trump's administration made Space Exploration a priority, it was possible for SpaceX to launch that rocket in 2020. It was the first time a private corporation has launched people into

the orbit. It was a milestone for both SpaceX and America. Both Mike Pence(Vice-President) and Donald Trump(President) came at the sight of the rocket launch and gave an astounding speech even during the most traumatic times this country has ever witnessed. Mr. Trump called this launch a "unifying moment" for all the people in our country. The launch that was last Saturday was a second attempt. In the first attempt, which was on last week's Wednesday was a failure since there were unsuitable weather condition. The two astronauts who had lifted spirits just like the President were prepared. Those astronauts were Dough Hurley and Bob Behnken. Even during the launch, there was 50 percent probability of the rocket facing "isolated thunderstorms" and cumulus clouds which are large white puffy clouds which form due to hot and humid climates. After Saturday, the rocket docked at the International Space Station.
SpaceX's mission was to reuse the components to make an affordable rocket launch, and reach humans to the orbit.
Image Credits: Teslarati